This article first appeared in the Business Times section of The Sunday Times on 14 February 2016
Watching President Jacob Zuma's state of the nation address this
week reminded me of my favourite orator, Winston Churchill, who was once quoted
as saying: "A good speech should be like a woman's skirt: long enough to
cover the subject and short enough to create interest."
True to form, the president did speak for a very long time, even if
you exclude the "points of order" preamble. Unfortunately, the
demonstrations by the opposition parties have become the key attractions of the
annual address, and have overshadowed the actual content delivered on the day.
That speaks volumes about the real state of our nation.
When the "Honourable Speaker" eventually dealt with the
EFF, Zuma proceeded to deliver what I thought was a long speech that didn't
cover any real detail and certainly didn't create interest - at least not the
detail and interest we needed.
A key precursor of Sona 2016 was a meeting between the president and
the business community. Business has felt consistently left out by the
government in policy and strategy formulation, especially as it relates to
economic growth and transformation. Fair assertion or not, it is clear that
South African business and politics have had an acrimonious relationship
characterised by an elephant-sized trust deficit.
The CEOs apparently gave the president eight specific initiatives
that can help the economy recover, and many of these were practical and
On the back of this, I hoped for a state of the nation address that
would give some detail on the initiatives the government is considering to help
ignite the economy and avert potentially crippling rating agency downgrades.
Excitement grew when I heard the president say: "A resilient
and fast-growing economy is at the heart of our radical economic transformation
agenda and the National Development Plan.
"When the economy grows fast it delivers jobs. Workers earn
wages and businesses make profits. The tax base expands and allows government
to increase the social wage and provide education, health, social grants,
housing and free basic services - faster and in a more sustainable
At this point I thought the president was preparing South Africans
to understand and internalise the tough economic reality we are in.
I thought he would then follow up with something like
"Compatriots, the opposite is also true. Without a fast-growing economy we
cannot achieve radical economic transformation in the time frames we hope to.
We cannot deliver the jobs we hope for. Workers cannot earn the wages they hope
for and businesses will make less profit, some even losses; and the tax base
will contract, making it difficult for government to sustainably deliver
But that didn't happen.
Instead, Zuma tried to give us a false sense of comfort.
After highlighting the challenges faced by the domestic economy, and
the risks attached thereto, including the fact that the situation requires an
effective turnaround plan from us, he said: "Our country remains an attractive
investment destination. It may face challenges, but its positive attributes far
outweigh those challenges. We must continue to market the country as a
preferred destination for investments."
It was a missed opportunity.
It would have been beneficial to categorically state that 0.7% GDP
growth is not an attractive investment return. We are not in a good space. On
the face of it, and for some time to come, we are not an attractive investment
However, the good news is that GDP growth rates are cyclical. We
won't be here forever. We need to counter this slump with actions that quickly
get us back to being attractive again. We need to highlight the long-term
investment prospects of our country to investors, while showing empathy for the
current poor performance of our economy.
This would have displayed much-needed empathy to an investment
community that has more reason to exit its South African positions than to
hold. C oming from our head of state, it would have gone a long way to reassure
foreign direct investment cheque signatories that, notwithstanding the current
economic slump, the government of South Africa is in tune with the realities
and working hard to address them.
Another missed opportunity was Eskom. This state-owned enterprise
has often been on the unfair side of criticism for the way it has reacted to
the "energy crisis" that had grabbed the headlines. The headlines are
no more. That is no coincidence. It is the fruit of hard toil by the company
and its shareholder, the government.
Yes, the president did talk about the R83-billion invested and gave
a short update on Ingula power station. However, he had an opportunity to pause
and remind us all about the fears that existed just a year ago, and how the
government got to work, put together a plan, and executed on it and now has
actual results to show for its swift action. While still a work in progress,
Eskom can be a very important case study that shows our capability in times of
But all is not lost. We have one more shot at this. Over to you,
Minister Pravin Gordhan.
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